Personal Manifesto

After witnessing previous students complaining that they did not have enough time to meet deadlines with their projects I had to investigate why. Straightaway the students that were complaining were already signed in on Facebook and yet they are complaining they have not got time to do their work. After noticing a lot of other students using that social networking site I thought to my self why don’t they just get off Facebook and just do their work. Well it seems through statistics and data counts found on the Facebook website that really some people are addicted to that site. This is where this Personal Manifesto project came in handy, I could find a potential route to rid Facebook from student’s life or drastically cut the time spent on Facebook down.

After witnessing students on Facebook, large quantities were using Facebook on their smart phones and iPhones. So I came up with the concept of creating an app for the iPhone to drastically cut the time spent on Facebook down. For me to achieve this was to create this app with a built in time limit usage. For example, the user would have the period of 30 minutes to use for a whole day, they could either use it all up in a 30 minute session or at random intervals if they choose to. When the time limit is used up it will lock the user out from the app and display a countdown timer with how long the user will have to wait before regenerating his time back.

This app could be incorporated into the official Facebook iPhone app and become mandatory and force users to spend less time on Facebook and spend it on other things instead.